Shadow of Seriousness

13 Feb

I must admit, in all seriousness, that I am aware of my lukewarm attempts at keeping the “blogging” going on…  Let it be known that there isn’t the slightest shadow of doubt there, no, none at all!

Hence, in this yet another attempt at keeping the “blogging” spirit alive, here is my picture as a result of the “…hunt for shadows and incorporate them into your shot.”



via Daily Prompt: Seriousness

Recognising Solitude

4 Feb

I found my friend sitting by herself and gazing out… in an absolute spellbinding solitude. The otherwise chatterbox thus silenced got me thinking… I pulled out my camera and without her knowing I snapped happily until she turned around and recognized the intruder –> ME!


Repurpose or Replacement

30 Jan

Death Eaters” decorated in sparkles in a sort of a “repurpose” attempt to bring about the angelic… errr [?!?!]… Christmassy ambience… ??

Just a thought, though…


OR perhaps these are just some sort of a replacement for the Christmas season? Angels for Death-eaters, sounds fair…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Graceful

22 Jan

My take on this week’s photo challenge Graceful… because what can be more GRACEFUL than a bird in flight…

flight Continue reading

After-work Delight

20 Jan

Overworked or was I?  It’s been a few months since I have started working… shifting gears from freelancing to working full-time.  Indeed, I do feel overworked and slightly underpaid… but then again, a steady income did feel good!

and so….

The Greatest relief in the World comes from the fact that “this too shall pass“…

and so…

I’m thinking of taking a break because I know soon I can afford it.

The Greatest break in the World comes after “months of being overworked“…

and so…

Where would I go?  Where should I go?  To the mountains or the sunny beaches??  Soar or Float???


What could be more aesthetically appealing?  The mountaintops that steal the colours from the sun… the ocean that dances and sparkles with all hues possible…. the strenuous walk to the mountains or the lazing on the water/ gazing up the sky…


and so…

The quandary… exposure to the harsh cold or the scathing sun?

The Greatest dilemma in the World comes from having to choose “where to holiday“…

via Daily Prompt: Exposure

OR is it

17 Jan

A toothache…

dull yet lingering…

A dentist’s invitation?

via Daily Prompt: Invitation

Meek Confession

16 Jan

I am and will always remain an aspiring writer.  I’m too scared to write what I really want to write, and so I write generic stuff.  Writing topically will never get me there, yes I know.  I wonder what it would be like to strip myself bare and write all that’s to be written… what would then remain of me…?  What scares me… my words or how my words may be (mis)judged?

At times, I have dared to bare my soul but I always stop myself halfway or rather within a quarter.  Then I start polishing the language until it becomes generic and so it will always be… :sigh:  Some day, I shall be strong.  One day, I shall write like I don’t care.  That day I shall become a writer in true sense….

Until then…

Let me talk about my movie marathon with a film-fanatic-friend [FFF].  This FFF and I are now estranged… we’ve lost touch… we’ve cut ties or rather I think I did the honour of cutting ties with him.  Well, last time we saw each other we reminisced our movie marathon era… it was either his place, his films and my chips or the other way round… “films” was the only bond between us and so our filmy bond was flimsy and flitting…

All that now remains is the memory of the bygone movie marathon memory!!!

via Daily Prompt: Marathon

Unseen Ambiance

15 Jan

The sparkle, the glimmer… a message for an estranged family member!!!

The Exquisite Unseen, for though a picture may speak a thousand words… will it do justice to the unseen ambiance?


Unseen [Exquisite] Ambiance


via Daily Prompt: Unseen

Discovered Today

23 Dec

There is always news to be discovered, unearthed and learned secondhand.

The hijacking of a Libyan plane has ended peacefully after armed men who seized control surrendered in Malta… THE NEWS

Suspect Berlin attacker shot dead at Milan…THE NEWS

I’m tired of THE NEWS of dying and the killing…   It is time to rediscover and restore peace!  It is time we rediscover faith in each other and discover empathy in ourselves.

via Daily Prompt: Discover

Photo Challenge: Path

23 Dec

I was walking along… this path.  Maybe you were always there… maybe I passed by you everyday as I plodded along this path

UNTIL I saw you that dreadful day… and I can’t UN-SEE seeing you.  Oh, how I wish I had never ever SEEN you!!


via Photo Challenge: Path


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