With Love…

2 Sep

Now, I may have chosen to be single but it doesn’t mean I have been able to dodge the stupid arrows from the Cupid. I have loved, laboured and lost ~ all for the LOVE of being single.

Some of the relationships I’ve had almost foiled my quest BUT in the end these have taught me lessons to last this single’s lifetime!!!

Lesson# 1

The first fling is actually about my first fling. The second one may not be my second fling so just cut me a slack here. We were both very young and highly experimental.  His experiment was related to substance abuse [Isn’t that a better word for drug addiction?] while I was experimenting on my observational skills.

After the doomed much-awaited break-up, we became buddies. What he said then has in a way shaped me for who I have become after. “You accepted me with the addiction and all, no one’s every done that before.” It was nice to be acknowledged.

But what’s important is the life’s great lesson I learnt and thus resolved that substance abuse is going to be non-existent in my world. I learnt drugs can ruin lives. Maybe that’s one reason why I turned a teetotaler (only drug I’m struggling to beat being that nicotine).

Lesson# 2

The second fling, being mentioned here, taught me all that I could know about art. When he talked to me about Monet, I googled “MONAY”. I was that bad.

I understood and learnt a lot about art, to be able to see him eye to eye maybe but it definitely helped me. I started frequenting art exhibitions and suddenly it was a whole different world.

I started writing, even. As it is when we talk about artists they’re not just limited to canvasses now, are they?


The third fling proved to me that Hollywood romances aren’t just for the movies. He was just another regular guy and love for movies is what had brought us closer enough to fall in love with each other.

He showed me what “kindness of a stranger” phrase can actually do in reality. The lesson I learnt from him is that it doesn’t take a lot nor does it cost a penny to make another being happy. It was wonderful being with him and I am a changed person, in a lot of way, thanks to him.


LOL in adversity

Errrr….Which one’s the funny side..?

The fourth fling I am going to mention never had that fairy-tale sorta beginning nor the end. However, what I learnt from that relationship may be worth a lot. This guy taught me how to laugh my way out of adversity. Sense of humour and how desperately we need it is what I learnt from him.

He was this kind of a guy who would say the worst possible thing in a way you wouldn’t know how to react but to laugh out loud. Maybe because of this fling, I am able to see humour in everything good or bad. I don’t know how good or bad it actually is, though.

Lesson# 5

o well!!

o well!!

The fifth fling taught me everything there is to know about L.O.V.E.

The most important lesson I learnt then was – there is such a thing as “unconditional love”. The relationship did not end in a “happily ever after” in retrospect but while we were at it, happily ever after was as close as it could get.

  • I learnt that I could be loved with flaws and all.
  • I learnt that I was good enough and that I didn’t have to pretend to be someone else to be accepted.
  • I learnt that being on the receiving end is more difficult than being on the giving end.
  • I learnt that feeling insecure is not the end of the world.
  • I learnt how to look beautiful.
  • I learnt heartbreak can actually hurt physically.
  • I learnt what it was like to cry for a loved one.
  • I learnt why some people give up, even life, when it all ends in the end.
  • I learnt how to survive a heartbreak.
  • I learnt everything there is to learn from a relationship from this fling. 

All’s well that ends with a lesson learnt well…

One Response to “With Love…”

  1. Mustang.Koji December 11, 2013 at 9:40 pm #

    #5… Pretty deep stuff!

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